I wish that I could regularly engage in conversations with everyone, but that's simply not possible for me these days. So, first off, my apologies.
Press-related questions should be sent to press [at] danah [dot] org. You should include your deadline, your phone number, what hours you're available, a description of the article you're working on, and what questions you wish for me to address. It's really hard for me to schedule phone calls but I'm happy to call you when I have spare cycles between meetings. I'm not always able to respond in a timely manner. There are also amazing people at Data & Society who have a much wider network for most press topics you might contact me for. They can be reached at press [at] datasociety [dot] net.
I am unable to do any consulting or private advising because of my role at Microsoft Research, paid or unpaid. I'm sorry.
I am available for limited speaking engagements but my schedule is painfully limited. Speaking inquiries should be sent to Leigh Bureau.
Much to my chagrin, I don't have the spare cycles to help students with their research projects or term papers. You are welcome to quote from my blog or my research whenever you'd like; no permission is required. Just cite it properly so that your teacher doesn't think you're plagiarizing. If you're looking for advice on grad school, this might help.
Do not send me press releases or product announcements of things that you want me to blog about. I can guarantee you that I will not blog about them as a result. [See my Disclosure Statement.] I do not enjoy receiving spam from companies advertising their products.
Some Context:
I hate being unavailable to people. I have no right to complain about how much I work these days, but I have not yet mastered the art of balancing All of the Things. As part of my reflexive journey, I'm trying to focus less on guilt and more on finding better structures where I can continue to do research and be as helpful to as many people as possible . But managing time is still a struggle. Forgive me.
As much as this message is meant to discourage people from contacting me, I should note that there are situations in which I always welcome contact. I am an activist at heart and do my best to make room for actions where I can uniquely contribute to helping. This is why I respond to press, engage on policy topics, and am generally more available when I think that engaging could make a difference in people's lives. So if I can be uniquely helpful, please do reach out.
I may not have time for a long conversation, but I also love interesting data or stories that people send me. GIFs make me smile. I also love receiving feedback on my work, especially if it's critical.
So if you think that you still want to talk to me, my email is: zephoria [at] zephoria [dot] org. In general, feel free to write to me but please understand if I can't respond, if my response is painfully delayed, or if I have to say no to your request. I do my best but time keeps slipping away.